AIMPLAS Plastics Academy

Why study with AIMPLAS?

AIMPLAS is a technology centre with more than 30 years’ experience of providing solutions to companies all along the value chain, from manufacturers of raw materials to processors and end users.

AIMPLAS Plastics Academy

Technological centre of reference
The most complete training offer
A wide range of training options
Learning by doing methodologies
High level teaching team
State-of-the-art equipment and cutting-edge facilities
More than 35 pilot plants
Job listings
We organise key events
Training centre certified by SEPE entity.
We help you to manage the FUNDAE bonus.

1. Technological centre of reference

Here at AIMPLAS, we have more than 30 years’ experience of providing solutions to companies all along the plastics value chain, including suppliers of raw materials, processors and end users.

With a team of more than 250 professionals, we have developed more than 270 R&D&I projects to provide more than 6000 technological services. We also have 12,000 m2 of facilities with the latest technological advances and more than 35 pilot plants.

This extensive experience and these vast resources allow us to offer the most comprehensive range of training courses for the plastics industry on the market.

2. The most complete training offer

With over 170 training activities a year, we offer the most comprehensive and innovative range of programmes for the plastics industry. Every year, more than 2700 professionals receive training at AIMPLAS and express a high satisfaction rate.

3. A wide range of training options

Face-to-face and online courses, customized training, university postgraduate courses, subsidized training and more.

At AIMPLAS, we offer a wide range of options to help you to find the training you are looking for. What’s more, if you need customized training, we’ll help you design it.

4. Learning by doing methodologies

We understand the importance of learning by doing methodologies. That’s why many of our courses include practical sessions in our laboratories or pilot plants, or even at your company premises.

5. High level teaching team

Our teachers are experts in their field, with a high technical level. They are thoroughly familiar with all aspects of plastic and composite materials technology, including raw materials, transformation processes, product design and even waste recovery. They are up to date on the most cutting-edge technologies and the most innovative topics through their participation in R&D&I projects. Furthermore, as a key part of the DNA of AIMPLAS, they are in continuous contact with companies, which they provide with advice, training and services. All this helps to enhance their knowledge and experience that they transmit in the classroom.

6. State-of-the-art equipment and cutting-edge facilities

All our rooms are equipped with the technical equipment required to ensure that our training courses run smoothly. We also have laboratories where students can carry out practical work.

7. More than 35 pilot plants

AIMPLAS boasts more than 35 pilot plants for carrying out research, formulating new materials and improving existing processes. The plants are equipped to perform all plastic transformation processes for thermoplastics, thermosets and composites.

8. Job listings

AIMPLAS has a specialized job listings platform for vacancies in the plastics industry. This platform serves as a link between companies and professionals in the sector.

In addition, students who complete our university degrees have the option of undertaking an internship at AIMPLAS or another company.

To increase their chances of finding employment, we add them to our job listings platform where they can view vacancies in the sector.

9. We organise key events

At AIMPLAS we organize some of the most important conferences and events in the plastics industry. Events such as the International Seminar on Biopolymers and Sustainable Composites, the Plastics Are Future seminar, the OkPlast Forum and the MeetingPack event bring hundreds of professionals and experts together to share the trends and latest developments in the field.

10. AIMPLAS Chairs

In order to promote training, research, development and knowledge transfer in the plastics sector, AIMPLAS has established collaboration frameworks with renowned universities. In 2010, the AIMPLAS-UPV Chair was created with the Universitat Politècnica de València, and in 2024 the AIMPLAS-UV Chair was established with the Universitat de València, with a special focus on sustainability and innovation.

11. Training centre certified by SEPE entity.

AIMPLAS is accredited by the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) to teach Certificates of Proficiency. These are official qualifications that prove certain competences and are valid at European level, which facilitates access to the labour market and international mobility.